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NAGOYA Airport - Nagoya Airport Facts

ページID:0007436 掲載日:2007年12月6日更新 印刷ページ表示
Nagoya Airport Facts
AdministratorAichi Prefectural Government
Designated operatorNagoya Airport Terminal Building Co,Ltd.
Location Toyoyama Town, Aichi Prefecture
Reference and elevation35°15’18”N and 136°55’28”E. 14m(45.9ft) above sea level
Type of airportLand airport
Airport Area  196hectares(21,097.8sqft)
(to be reduced in phases to about 165 hectares(17,760.9sqft))
Runway measurements2,740m(8,989.9ft)×45m(147.6ft)
Runway strength Single wheel load=43metric tons
Runway true bearingN27°34’41”W

35hectares(3,767.5sqft)(21hectares(2,260.5sqft) upon completion)
7berths for commuter aircraft
6berths for large business aircraft
75berths for small aircraft, including 45 berths
for fixed-wing aircraft and
30 berths for rotary-wing aircraft(planned)

Aviation lightsPrecision approach
Aviation security radio facilitiesPAR, NDB, VOR/TAC, ILS
Start of serviceFebruary 17, 2005
Operating hours 07:00-22:00
Air traffic servicesTerminal air traffic control services and ground-controlled
approach services as determined by the Defence Agency
FuelAir Routing Card/Air Bp/Shell/World Fuel  Available
Catering ServiceAvailable
Lav/Water/Trash SVC Available (Pls Advice service you need before your arrival)
Linen/Dish Washing SVCAvailable (Pls Advice service you need before your arrival)


愛知県 振興部 航空対策課

E-mail: kouku@pref.aichi.lg.jp