
7③“Dondoko Forest” AreaPark North EntrancePark North EntrancePark West EntrancePark West Entrance②“Ghibli’s Grand Warehouse” Area⑤“Valley of Witches” AreaGhibli Park layout (at Expo 2005 Aichi Commemorative Park)(planned to open late 2022)(planned to open late 2022)(planned to open late 2022)Green SquareSatsuki and Mei’s HouseRinsho Kaen GardenIce Rink* Areas ④ and ⑤ will open about one year after areas ① to ③ open.①“Hill of Youth” Area©Studio Ghibli©Studio Ghibli“Ghibli’s Grand Warehouse”Area“Hill of Youth”Area©Studio Ghibli“Ghibli’s Grand Warehouse”Area©Studio Ghibli“Ghibli’s Grand Warehouse”Area©Studio Ghibli“Ghibli’s Grand Warehouse”Area④“Mononoke Village” Area

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