Heart of Japan and
Innovative Manufacturing Center



Aichi is an industrial capital and leading manufacturing center right in the heart of Japan, connected to Tokyo and Osaka metropolitan areas, and to the world via an excellent transport infrastructure. Aichi has the second-largest GDP in Japan and is home to an industrial cluster of global companies including those from automotive, aerospace, and robotics sectors and offers numerous business opportunities. Furthermore, with a large non-Japanese population, the Aichi Prefectural Government and local municipalities are working to enhance the comfortable living environment of all residents. We are looking forward to your investments in Aichi.

What’s New!

In every age, Nagoya in Aichi has been a central place for opening up the future, and can be likened to the heart in the human body.
Like the heart, which carries blood throughout the body and makes life glow, Nagoya in Aichi always aims to be a driving force that will give Japan, the world and the future new energy and new impressions. So, we have expressed our spirit of hospitality, just like the heart logo suggests, so that everyone will get to know and love Aichi.

About “HEART” of Japan