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【English】 Information

ページID:0279300 掲載日:2020年3月12日更新 印刷ページ表示


 On these pages, you can find  information concerning Aichi Prefecture.
 Attention!The information will be updated. For more detailed information or inquiries, please conotact the Aichi Multicultural Center. (TEL:052-961-7902)



Notice お知らせ

Information about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19):

For Foreigners Working in Companies

Even when the new coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused a decrease in business for the company, foreign workers are not allowed to be treated less favorably than Japanese workers just because they are foreigners.

Please access to the following website concerning the disaster information:


Consultation in English

Aichi International Plaza [Multicultural Center] あいち国際プラザ(多文化共生センター)

 The Multicultural Center located in the Aichi International Plaza offers the following services to promote the wellbeing of foreign residents in Aichi Prefecture. Please call us when you need our assistance.

TEL: 052-961-7902
*Confidential *Free of Charge

Open:   Mon-Sat, 10:00-18:00
Closed: Sundays, national holidays, December 29 through January 3

Information and Consultation by Multicultural Social Workers

 Please consult us by telephone, E-mail or in person when you need information or have problems on daily lives. We also offer continued support in cooperation with specialized organizations in the cases of complicated problems.

English: Monday to Saturday, 13:00-18:00

TEL: 052-961-7902     FAX: 052-961-8045     E-mail: sodan@aia.pref.aichi.jp
Address: 460-0001 Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Sannomaru 2-6-1 
             Aichi Pref. Gov. Sannomaru Annex Bldg., 1F

Free Legal Consultation for Foreigners

 Use our free legal consultation service when you need professional advice on legal matters.

Day: 2nd & 4th Fridays, 13:00-16:00
       (Appointment required & accepted on a first come first served basis)
Language: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino/Tagalog

TEL: 052-961-7902     FAX: 052-961-8045     E-mail: sodan@aia.pref.aichi.jp
Address: 460-0001 Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Sannomaru 2-6-1 
             Aichi Pref. Gov. Sannomaru Annex Bldg., 1F

Ministry of Justice 法務省(外国語人権相談ダイヤル)

 Don't struggle alone. Please call the "Foreign-language Human Rights Hotline". 
 Have you been refused occupancy in an apartment? Do you feel excluded due to cultural differences? If you are experiencing problems like these, please give us a call.

TEL: 0570-090911

Weekdays 09:00~17:00

For more detailed information, please refer to the PDF:
Information on Human Rights Counseling in Foreign Languages [PDF]

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 総務省(外国人のための行政相談)

 When you have a complaint, opinion or request regarding government services, operations or procedures, MIC's administrative counseling will provide useful advice on a various range of matters.

Kikumimi Aichi
〒460-0001 Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Sannomaru 2-5-1 4F
e-mail: kikumimi.japan@soumu.go.jp
*English only *Do not attach any files or URL

For more detailed information, please refer to the PDF:
Administrative Counseling Service receives your complaint in English [PDF]

Find Information on the Internet

 If you find the first page is only in Japanese, each website has a function of translation in multi-languages. In most of the cases, the function of language translation can be found on the upper part right side of the pages.


General Information 一般情報

Daily life and Work 日常と労働

Medical services 医療

Education 教育

Before entering elementary school

Elementary to High school

Disaster Preparedness 防災

Tourism 観光

Religion 宗教

Leaflets in English

Aichi Living Handbook 愛知生活便利帳

At the Aichi Multicultural Center located in the Aichi International Plaza, guidbooks or leaflets that have plenty of usuful imfomation of the living rules in the Japanese society are available.


Address: 460-0001 Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Sannomaru 2-6-1
             Aichi Pref. Gov. Sannomaru Annex Bldg., 1F
TEL: 052-961-7902     FAX: 052-961-8045     E-mail: sodan@aia.pref.aichi.jp

The information will be downloaded in the PDF: Aichi Living Handbook [PDF]  PDFのダウンロードもできます

Living Guides in each municipalities

 In most of the cities, towns, and villages in Aichi , there are living guidebooks or leaflets translated in multi-languages available. Please visit the offices in your city, town, or village, in order to get those guidbooks or leaflets free of charge. Each city, town or village has different content of living guidbook or leaflet. They may not be covered in all languages.


These are some examples of information described in the living guidebook:

・The dates of Collection of Waste and How to Separate Waste ゴミの日や分別方法
・In time of emergency 緊急時
・Countermeasure against disasters 災害対策
・The procesures at the municipal offices 役所での手続き
・Japanese language classes 日本語教室
・Hospitals and Insurances 病院や保険
・Consultation for Foreign Residents 外国人相談窓口


  1. 地域に住む外国人と日本人の架け橋となる「あいち地域多文化コーディネーター」を育成しました
  2. 「あいち多文化子育てブック~あいちで子育てする外国人のみなさまへ~」を作成しました
  3. 「外国につながる子どもたちの進路開拓・進路応援ガイドブック」を作成しました
  4. 愛知県学習教育部教育委員会事務局高等教育課
  5. 母語教育サポートブック『KOTOBA』-家庭/コミュニティで育てる子どもの母語-を作成しました
  6. 外国人生活設計支援冊子「愛知県に住む外国人のみなさんへ 知って安心!あなたの未来とお金のまるっとガイドブック」を作成しました
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